Charlotte Feakins wins at AAA 2020 Conference

Charlotte Feakins, one of the Research Centre’s Affiliated Students, was awarded the Australian Archaeological Association Conference 2020 Best Student Paper prize and the winner of the Maureen Byrne Award for Best Postgraduate Thesis at the Australian Society for Historical Archaeology Awards 2020.

The AAA conference paper was titled “The Ethics of Visibility in Kakadu National Park: Tourism, Archaeology and Colonial Debris” and was co-authored with Prof Tracy Ireland of University of Canberra. It was based on Charlotte’s award winning PhD thesis, “Behind the Legend: A Historical Archaeology of the Buffalo Shooting Industry 1875-1958”, which she is now hoping to publish as a book.

Charlotte is GML Senior Heritage Consultant and Team leader. Research Director Ann McGrath served as a member of Charlotte’s supervisory panel, together with Prof Tracy Ireland, Dr Sally Brockwell, and Dr Robert Levitus. Charlotte thanked them all for their support and encouragement over the years.
