The School of History in the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences offers two scholarships known as the Deep Human History Laureate PhD Scholarship, to support students while they undertake a PhD in Indigenous Australian history at the Australian National University.
The scholarships are associated with the Rediscovering the Deep Human Past Laureate Program. This research project explores Aboriginal narratives in order to develop a deeper understanding of Australia’s pre-1788 history. In order to achieve our research aims, our project methodology will involve holding community workshops, repatriating important stories, and undertaking individual oral history interviews with participants.
Postgraduate students will concentrate on a particular regional Focus Area and will address the recuperation of knowledge from linguistic and museum collections and undertake reconnection and repatriation with custodians in connected landscapes. Focus Area research and Symposium development will be matched to the particular areas of expertise, interest and networks of the recruit.
Futher information is available on the application page.