RDHP’s activities and initiatives highlighted in latest CASS RAP Newsletter

Indigenous Training Program

While doing fieldwork in Broome in February 2019 members of the RDHP Team held the first Indigenous Training Workshop at Nyamba Buru Yaruwu.

With the support of the National Library of Australia, the Senior Curator of Oral History and Indigenous Programs, Shirleene Robinson, led workshops and hands-on exercises in quality oral history recording.

Indigenous Mentoring Program

Naomi Appleby is a Karajarri Yawuru woman working as the Project Coordination Officer for Future Acts & Heritage and Land & Sea at Nyamba Buru Yawuru.

Naomi also participated in the NLA Oral History Training workshop and will undertake further training and mentoring, including at the ANU, in the future.

Harvard Opportunity for PhD Scholar

In April, Aileen Marwung Walsh, joined other members of the RDHP Team, Professor Ann McGrath, Dr Ben Silverstein and Dr Laura Rademaker, at two scholarly events held at Harvard University.

Aileen attended the ‘Postcolonial Tensions’ workshop, convened by Gabriela Soto Laveaga and Warwick Anderson held on 12-13 April. On 15 April she attended ‘Deep Historicities: Indigenous Knowledges and the Science of Deep Time’ co-convened by RDHP Team members Laura Rademaker and Ben Silverstein, and Daniel Lord Smail of the Harvard History Department. Her presentation, drawn from her paper, “Time in Deep Time: When does historical evidence become deep human history?”, received a warm response, especially from discussant Dan Smail.

Aileen said of the trip, “I’ve been to many conferences and seminars over the years, but the interdisciplinarity and especially the high number of Indigenous academic participants made these seminars the best I have had the pleasure to take part in.”
