Deep Histories, Indigenous Futures: application deadline extended

Now a virtual workshop!

Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 September

Early career researchers and postgraduate research students working in the field of Indigenous histories are invited to participate in this two day workshop.

Unfortunately, ‘Down there with Peter Read’: A celebration of four decades of history-making has been postponed until early 2022.

The workshop is now an online program:

Wednesday 8 September: 10:00 -11:30am

Expert Panel Public Webinar Co-hosted with the ANU Centre for Environmental History Presenters: Ann McGrath, Peter Read, Lorina L Barker, Eliza Kent and Michael Brogan Facilitators: Laura Rademaker and Ruth Morgan

Wednesday 8 September: 1:30pm – 3:00pm (ECRs only)

ECR Workshop: Exploring digital tools and techniques Facilitator: Mike Jones

Thursday 9 September: 10:00-11:30am

Expert Panel Public Webinar Presenters: Sonia Smallacombe, Peter Yu, Jackie Huggins Facilitators: Ben Silverstein and Crystal McKinnon

Thursday 9 September: 1:30pm – 3:00 pm (ECRs only)

ECR Workshop Facilitators: Ben Silverstein and Crystal McKinnon

It is open to higher degree research students and early career researchers (within five years of graduation – not including career interruptions). Indigenous scholars are particularly encouraged to participate.

To express your interest, please send a bio and a short statement of one paragraph to: Dr Ben Silverstein by 20 August (note extended deadline).

Successful applicants will be sent links prior to the workshop.
